Memorial Fund Donation

All donations are tax deductible under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Anyone (Members or Non-Members) may donate to the PTC Memorial Fund. 

The Philadelphia Trail Club was formed in 1931.  To honor past members, we created a Memorial Fund which is used to preserve, improve, establish or otherwise maintain hiking trails, natural areas and publicly accessible outdoor venues and park systems, etc.

The PTC Memorial Fund is managed by the PTC Trust Committee.

These funds are distributed to recipient organizations based on member initiated requests, evaluation by the Trustees to determine if they should recommend it to the Board of Directors and subsequent approval of the Board.  Typical considerations include, but are not limited to:

  • Does the requesting organization provide facilities and/or services to the PTC?

  • Does that organization have a non-profit status with Federal Government’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS)?

  • Infrequent “substantial special projects of trail preservation by the PTC” may be considered

Checks can be made payable to: The Philadelphia Trail Club Memorial Fund and mailed to:

Philadelphia Trail Club Memorial Fund

P. O. Box 27

Narberth, PA 19072

Thank you for considering a donation to the Philadelphia Trail Club Memorial Fund.


Or submit payment online by clicking the button below.