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Hikes for Non-Members:
Philadelphia Trail Club is delighted that you are interested in joining us for a hike.
Non-members are welcome to join these hikes. However, the Club does ask that you join ($10/year fee) after a 2nd hike to help support both our costs and our stated objectives (such as donations to trail maintenance).
We require registration so that the hike leader can contact you at the last minute with any changes (including cancellation). You will also be able to contact the hike leader directly if you cancel or are running a few minutes late (hikes wait up to 15 minutes for people if they know someone is coming).
As a hiker with the Philadelphia Trail Club, you assume certain responsibilities: getting to the hike site, providing your own drinking water (and lunch if specified in hike description), wearing proper clothing based on the weather, including proper footgear. To participate on a hike with the club, both members and guests are required to sign a waiver and release which the Hike Leader will pass around for signatures prior to the start of the hike. For more information on what to expect with a PTC hike, please also see our Hiker's Guide here.